Blog Post:5 Domestic Violence within Immigrant Wives

•November 13, 2009 • 3 Comments

This article was primarily about women who married outside of their countries to men living in the U.S. How mostly women who are at greater risk of domestic violence were ones that were immigrants. This is because they are dependent on their husbands through being able to get citizenship and the right to be able to live here in America by legal marriage. The percentage of women who were involved with domestic violence were immigrant women with the result of 90%. I thought this was very much high indeed. Men with immigrant wives have more control over them. If the wives due try to leave or get away from the abuse they back fire with the point that if they choose to leave. They can no longer continue to live here in America and will be be deported. This keeps the husband in control of their wives, makes them obey his rules. In cases that he is the one that is bringing money into the home and who has the job. This is why escaping from domestic violence is so hard for immigrant wives. I do agree with the argument that is being presented in this article and it is so very true for woman who don’t have the right to live here in the U.S. all depends on their husband. If he decides to divorce its the end for her stay in America and back to her home country that she came from. Yes the essay does raise new questions of what will happen if the wives decide to place a report on their husband due the domestic abuse that they are experiencing? Would they be sent home or would they be given a chance to stay and continue a fresh new start of their lives without the abuser.


For the ones that are around me like my cousins. They both had arranged marriages in Cambodia and their marriages are fine and no domestic violence is within their household. But in other cases that my parents do tell me when arranged marriages are made for Cambodian brides to other races out of their own there is conflict and domestic violence in the household.

My cousin married an older Caucasian man to be able to come to America through an arrange marriage. My family goes through a lot of arranged marriages.

It was pretty interesting reading about how military families carry more abuse that regular civilian families.

Asian countries are well wide known for arranged marriages.

Source Citation: Narayan, Uma. ““Male-order” brides: immigrant women, domestic violence and immigration law.” Hypatia. 10.1 (Winter 1995): p104. Literature Resource Center. Gale. Pierce College. 10 Nov. 2009 <;.

Gale Document Number: GALE|A16683868

Blog Post 4:Enough

•November 5, 2009 • Leave a Comment

The movie that I would want to make the focus of my critical essay would be Enough. This movie was very interesting and the main focus of it was an abusive relationship that deal with cheating and lying. Even though a man has a happy family. He still cheats and is not happy with what he has and that he has to go and see another woman. I wanted to focus on the issue of abusive relationships especially being on how it effects woman and children who are in this situation. The characters in the movie really make it a action and drama film. The actor Jennifer Lopez who plays Slim. She really does fit the part of playing the wife that is being abused because in the end when she is portrayed as a fighter who fights back. She plays the character very well as a mother and as a fighter. I like this movie because it shows that woman too can fight back to save her life and her family. No one will help her and the authorities won’t either and the only way is to defend him because he will never stop until he kills her. That not to be scared and stand up for what you believe in to stop the situation from escalating. Since her husband was stalking her and following her every move. He feels that he has to hit her to show that he is in control. Is there really still love in a abusive marriage? Also the message is so very strong in this film saying, “The only way you can win is that you have to fight back.”

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Blog Post 3: Sicko

•October 23, 2009 • 1 Comment

If he had presented the issue more as an essay it would not show more depth of details like the movie and would not have a stronger effect on the viewers. It would probably not be an essay that would keep you hooked. Due to the fact the problem is about Health care as this would not attract the younger generation at all. Most like get an impact of being to see how is it like and how its effecting others. It would give more understanding to be able see it visually than in words. His argument would probably go on forever and ever. Its going to be an endless essay with the information he is receiving because their is way too much to be explained into an essay. All of the stunts he pulled off would not give as much impact as it would if it was in a film. The readers would have a hard time believing him that he did all of that just to be able to get his point across. Words are words, but a picture is worth a thousand words. Less examples and interviews would not be written into words which can cause the essay to be plain without these real life experiences from those who are effected by this issue. Watching a film and reading an essay have different types of emotions. Reading an essay would not be able to see the emotion of others into what they are experiencing. That would not help his argument at all and to be able to persuade others to feel the same way about this issue. Sicko is better off as a film than an essay in my point due to the fact the people that are in this film are real and real emotions are seen.

Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11: How One Film Divided a Nation

•October 20, 2009 • Leave a Comment

This is essay was a book review by Robert Brent Toplin. Six topics are addressed in the essay. Four questions that were in the introduction are issues and the main points that are being discussed within the chapters. It is basically talking about how the film influenced others and what kind of impact did it have on those that watched it. It really was a movie that impacted people due to the controversy that arised from it. From what I have read it seemed like he did leaked a lot of information about how our country was runned. That he did not give fair information which made the meida itself counter back in people creating suits due to what kind of info was put into the film. He likes to show both sides of a story to be able to get his message out. It is not just his opinion, but real fact by comparing and contrasting two states to be able for people to understand what he is trying to get out to his viewers. This creates a hardhitting type of opinion. Not only does he show both sides of an argument. He also questions the Politics and govenrment of the United States of America to maybe influence the next election with Bush still running for his second term of presidency. He questioned on the war of Iraq in maybe making America think more of who would they want as a leader for the country. He basically just created drama for himself.

Blog Post 2: Blades of Glory

•October 8, 2009 • 2 Comments

This is one of my favorite movies. I enjoy watching films that make me laugh and are filled up with so much comedy. Blades of Glory is such a really funny movie. The first time I had watched this movie was on my way to Cambodia in 2007. None of the movies on the plane really interested me and made me want to to watch it. Then Blades of Glory came up in one of the listings and Will Ferrell is by far one of my favorite actors. I knew that the movie was going to be funny since he was in it. My plane ride was less boring and more entertaining. I laughed so much, but quietly in my seat since people were sleeping. I never realized that figure skaters were worshiped like pop stars with having so many groupies. This made me laughed so much, seeing girls drool over Shawn Michaels. He nor had a body or good looks, but I just couldn’t understand why girls loved him so much. The scenes were pretty much full of funny jokes and remarks that would make you laugh so hard. This movie kept my attention and had me hooked. What better way to fit action into Blades of Glory. I think it worked really well with the scene with the kidnapping and adding a little comedy to it. It never bored me at all. I am always looking for a good laugh and a movie that would be worth remembering just like this one. My favorite part of the movie would probably the final skate with Will Ferrell and John Heder. Its pretty funny seeing a guy couple skating together and trying to win a gold medal. It has indeed never been done before but in this movie it has. Parts of the skating piece were really funny and the special effects that were put in completed the scene showing suspense and comedy. I could never get tired of this movie. Thats probably why i watched it 8 times before I reached my final destination. I really loved it!

Blog Post 1: Second Hand Smoke Kills

•September 29, 2009 • 4 Comments

So this commercial comes on all the time. Its pretty weird seeing toy babies crawling all over the side walks as people walk pass by. This commercial was made by Infect Truths to promote the risk of smoking and what tobacco can do to you and others around you. This particular commercial caught my eye because babies are so vulnerable. They need others to take care of them and nurture them to be healthy  and strong. People are walking around and wondering why are these toy babies crawling. As soon as one person picks one up. There is a message on the shirt of the baby saying, ” How do infants avoid second hand smoke? At some point they learn how to crawl.” This was a quote from a Tobacco Executive. The objects and the quote that they use do carry out the message to the public in which are viewing. Smoking around babies can really effect their growth and their body internally. It is true in fact that once they start crawling they can be able to avoid it. But now they are the ones that can be hurt by their loves ones if they are careless. I just really like commercials that give out the message to people and speak the truth of what can happen if your actions are careless.